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Let's all Come Together to
"Be a STAR and SHARE the LOVE"




Earth and Climate Change


Arts, Entertainment, and Sports


Research for Cures and Technology (STEM)

Mission Statement

(H) Humanitarian
(E) Earth
(A) Arts, Entertainment, and Sports
(R) Research and Technology

H.E.A.R. The Dream Foundation has a vision to provide support and awareness surrounding many issues facing the world today through technology and innovations. Our core values are to explore innovations for humanitarian, climate change, arts, entertainment, sports, STEM, and research for cures. There are scientific explorations around all these core values with uncovered inventions.

We truly thrive on positive energy and team work to make a difference. Everyone has a journey in life to thrive and to penetrate our existence on earth. H.E.A.R. The Dream Foundation interests are with individuals and organizations that are technology-driven in our core areas.

The HTDF Show expands on our goal to present positive, technical, and innovative programs. The guests are professional leaders with an aspiration to achieve their desired expectations in life. These professional leaders will present demos, perform live, or sit-down and talk with our host.

Organizations with a Purpose

ada nrdc stjude sierra feed kennedy rednose nwf

H.E.A.R. The Dream Foundation is officially a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization

Copyright © 2009 H.E.A.R. The Dream Foundation
web master: web@hearthedream.org